Monday, October 14, 2013

Friends, Memories, Questions and Queries

We are looking for all of Amy's friends in the United States, France, Taiwan, China, right round the world !  Any help there would be appreciated! Email addresses, phone numbers, addresses or simply if you know one, please send them the link for this blog? 

You are welcome to post/write in any language that works for you : Chinese, French, English
Please use the "translate" button over there to the right ! Not perfect but you get the idea! 

Here is a message from Amy's collegue in Shanghai. I'll get the two photographs that she sent up here asap.



我与Amy 的接触是在工作中。从2003年一起工作一直到2010年。我们真正的见面次数每年大约2-3次,是 她来国内出差,每次相处也就7天左右。更多的是电话, 邮件联系。每天电话联系可能会超2小时以上。

此时耳边似乎又萦绕起Amy来电时的情景:语速很快,追问每项工作的进度;交代最新的工作。 每次来国内出差, 行程总是安排的满满的。  有时候我们一大早出门, 伴着这星光回来。

与Amy 一起工作的日夜,每个场景都能历历在目。记得有年初冬,我们一起去上海郊区,很偏僻的一家新开发的工厂。从工厂 出来的时天色渐晚,没有TAXI 和其他的交通工具。我们走了很远,到了一个人稍多点的路口, 叫了一辆两轮摩托车,一起载这我们,到了最近的地铁站。 当时真觉的刺激又惊险,万一出了意外呢。

每次Amy来国内出差, 其实都很辛苦, 除了要倒时差,还有一堆工厂的麻烦事情要处理。。她有偏头痛的毛病, 每次头痛在犯的时候, Amy还在忍着工作, 让心心里多少有些心痛。

  Amy是一个对纺织非常执着热爱的人。记得她跟我讲起过她是如何喜欢上纺织, 并且义无反顾的选择这行。她还很喜欢阅读,工作空余, 她会跟我分享一些感悟。

Amy 曾说起过, 她喜欢吃面条,还有韭菜盒子。


Here is a message that Amy's friend Joel posted down there in the comments :

Hi to everyone. I am Joel.

Amy and I were always good friends and I am so surprised and sad to hear about her passing.

She did tell me she had cancer, but was getting treatment and I didn't know it was so bad.

Amy was such a loving soul, troubled in many ways, but very much with the heart of a poet.

I have many of her favorite writings and some photos I can share with everyone.

Not sure how to post these things, but maybe I will send to the author of this blog to post.

It is unfair to take a life so young and vibrant and from someone who was so in love with life.

I will pray for you at temple Amy and hope the gods will look after you in heaven.

We are happy to add in any other memories, souvenirs or pictures that you all might have. Just send them in an email to the contact form over for this blog. 

There are several of us working on this, so no language is a problem!

 @ Joel : We would appreciate your doing a post about her favorite writing of course! 

And We would like to ask her nephew, Jason to share some of the Chinese poetry that she and he read together too! All is good!    

Amy's Friends in Paris

1 comment:

  1. Dear Everyone,
    Amy is leaving nearly 2 months, I still cannot get over my grief ... and would like to share this quote with you as it expresses how much SHE means to each of us.

    "The deep pain that is felt at the death of every friendly soul arises from the feeling that there is in every individual something which is inexpressible, peculiar to him alone, and is, therefore, absolutely and irretrievably lost."....

    She is leaving, while still bringing us together with her warm and tender hands...
